Working principle and composition of electric cable cutting machine and strip
 Sep 27, 2022|View:189

Electric cable cutting machine and stripis suitable for all kinds of cable cutting, cutting, and so on, because of its high speed, high efficiency, processing precision by the harness processing enterprises like, then the working principle of electric cable cutting machine and stripis what?

The electric cable cutting machine and stripwork principle is electric cable cutting machine and stripthrough the import and export wheel transmission steel wire, through the tool assembly to complete tangential and stripping function.

Electric cable cutting machine and stripmain functions:

Inlet wheel:

Conveyor lines and strippers. Electric cable cutting machine and stripthe wire and tail while stripping the short wire. In addition to stripping the head while stripping the electric cable cutting machine and strip, it can strip the middle.

Adjust the clearance of the feed wheel:

Adjust electric cable cutting machine and stripline wheel clearance, rotation clearance, and reduce clearance.

electric cable cutting machine and strip

Electric cable cutting machine and stripinlet pressure knob:

Electric cable cutting machine and stripinlet pressure. When pulled out, it will rotate clockwise. The pressure on the intake wheel will increase. As it is pulled out, it will rotate counterclockwise, reducing the pressure on the intake wheel.

Export Wheel Clearance Adjustment Knob:

Adjust the gap of the electric cable cutting machine and stripoutlet wheel, increase the gap, and reduce the gap.

Export wheel pressure adjustment knob: adjust export pressure to electric cable cutting machine and strip, anti-clockwise rotation after pulling out, export wheel pressure increase, pull out the clockwise rotation, import wheel pressure reduction.

When using the short stripping procedure, the exit wheel should be raised.

Tool Holder Assembly: in the electric cable cutting machine and strip, responsible for wire cutting, stripping head and tail, in the case of a shutdown, the upper and lower two blades should be opened to the maximum so that the smooth wire through the tool.

The above is the working principle of the electric cable cutting machine and strip, as well as its main components and functions. If you have any requirements, please feel free to contact us.

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